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Is there a Premium Appliances Store near me? With Free Shipping we don't have to be. All purchased major appliances, parts, and accessories shipping within the continental United States are shipped free. Products are shipped from our warehouse using the services of FedEx / UPS, or one of our trusted freight carriers for large appliances. Orders usually arrive within 5-9 business days.
We are committed to ensuring a safe, secure, and private shopping experience. Premium Appliances utilizes a secure 2048-bit SSL Certificate with state of the art encryption to safeguard your information. Our US based Servers feature hardware by SuperMicro®, Redundant power supplies, and the latest software to meet / exceed PCI compliance. is scanned regularly by McAffe SECURE.
A leading wholesale provider of major kitchen appliances in the USA. We have been in business for over 9 years. Browse our online showroom / store to get factory direct sales and discounts on most or all of our products.